The Funusual Family Day
The first festival family day for babies, toddlers, children and adults. One ticket allows access to all events. Any events involving Gaelic will be bilungual - come and learn a few words! This is not meant to be a baby-sitting service, so all children must be accompanied. The full programme will be published nearer the day but will include: 'Dandling songs' for babes and parents Playground songs for children 'Waulking' songs 'Yogabug ' yoga for children 'Tai Chi' for families. 'A Few Words of Gaelic' for children Cartoons Magic with String. Mike teaches the less complicated string games and tricks, step-by-step, and presents some of the more complex and intricate figures. Step-dance Environmental Arts - create some big willow and tissue paper butterflies 'The Dr Knickerbocker Show' Mike Jackson is one of Australia's favourite live children's entertainers. A joyous collection of funny songs, action games, magical string figures, truckload of instruments, hilarious antics and juggling. African story-telling with Seikou Susso from the Gambia The International All-Gaelic Paper-Plane Throwing competition Fergie's Family CèilidhDate: 24/07/07
Start Time: 11:00:00
Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, TDC main hall
Audience Numbers: 0
Type: Community