'Dannsa' Cèilidh

A Cèilidh Dance with dances being called when needed and a spot of step-dancing. Dannsa has been blazing a trail throughout the Highlands of Scotland performing their unique blend of percussive Scottish step dancing with traditional dances. It is driven by the dynamic and passionate music played on pipes, fiddle, clarsach and gaelic song. This summer they have created a set to encourage everyone to get up and dance with 6 musicians and one caller. Fin Moore, Gabe McVarish (Dàimh), Sarah Hoy, Ewan MacPherson (Fribo), Matheu Watson, Fiona Moore (Bella McNab's) with Sandra Robertson. "ach dèan dannsa dèan dannsa 's e obair th'ann a bhith dannsa."
Date: 18/08/09
Start Time: 20:00:00
Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, An Talla Mhòr
Audience Numbers: 111
Type: Ceilidh