'The New Rope String Band'
Pete Challoner and Tim Dalling (from the Old Rope String Band) join with old-time musicians Jock Tyldesley and Vera van Heeringen.They sing, dance and play their little hearts out on fiddles, guitar, piano accordion, mandolin and anything else that comes to hand. But people just laugh at them! Audiences have been known to say, "What the hell was that?" or "It's folk music" or "It's cabaret" or even, "They are ploughing the lonely furrow of cutting-edge music hall!" Then, when they struggle to adequately describe the New Rope experience, they drag their friends along to the next gig so that they too can witness the strange spectacle. Most people actually enjoy it. A lot. And that is why it is still going strong.Date: 03/08/10
Start Time: 20:00:00
Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, TDC main hall
Audience Numbers: 141
Type: Music Traditional