Blas Festival 'Session A9' traditional
The 10th Blas Festival takes place in venues across the Highlands in early September. Book early for this and many other events Session A9 are Adam Sutherland, Brian Mcalpine, Charlie McKerron, David “chimp” Robertson, Gordon Gunn, Kevin Henderson and Marc Clement. Over the years Session A9 have been described as a “Scottish super group”, “The best band to have come out of Scotland in 100 years”, “Tighter than James Brown” and an “Amazing Festival band”, great praise indeed for a band formed through informal music sessions up and down the arterial Scottish road, the A9, culminating in their first ever tour in 2001. The evening starts with a Short FilmG film. Come along a little early to sample various Highland Cheeses, Oatcakes and Chutneys from the Award-winning Skye Farm Shop. The Bar and food sampling is open from 7pm and during the interval Tha an Sàr-bhuidheann Albannach Seisean A9 air an dòigh glan a bhith a’ cluiche aig Blas mar phàirt den chuairt aca ann an 2015. Is iomadh duais a tha an luchd-ciùil fa leth air a chosnadh agus mar sin tha deagh oidhche de cheòl is cur-seachad sgoinneil air a ghealltainn dhuibh. A rèir Dhougie MhicIlleathain is iad “An còmhlan as fheàrr a thàinig a-mach às Alba ann an 100 bliadhna!” Moladh mòr gu dearbh airson còmhlan a chaidh a chur air bhonn tro sheiseanan ciùil neo-fhoirmeil suas is sìos Prìomh Rathad an A9. "The best band to come out of Scotland in 100 years" - Dougie MacLean “Resulting in brilliantly sophisticated arrangements of tunes new and old, brimming with brio and simply oozing class” - The Sunday Herald The Skye Farm Shop will offer a display of Highland cheeses, oatcakes and chutneys.Date: 04/09/15
Start Time: 7.30 pm
Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, TDC main hall
Audience Numbers: 117
Type: Music Traditional