Theatre Gu Lèor - 'Shrapnel'
Adapted by Catriona Lexy Chaimbeul from Tormod Caimbeul's, (Tormod a' Bhocsair) seminal Gaelic novel, with animation, subtitles, live music and with anarchic humour. 'Shrapnel' is for Gaelic and non-Gaelic audiences alike. Set in the darkest depths of Leith, we follow a man on the run for a crime he did not commit, as he meets an array of extraordinary misfits, with the psychopathic former detective, Walter Shrapnel, never far behind. Ath-sgrìobhadh den nobhail leis an sàr sgrìobhaiche, Tormod Caimbeul, le dealbhachadh, fo-thiotalan agus ceòl, tha Shrapnel freagarrach airson fìleantaich agus luchd-ionnsachaidh air fad. Air a’ stèidheachadh ann an dorchadas Lìte, tha sinn a' leantainn aithrisear ’s e a' siubhail air feadh a' bhaile a’ coinneachadh ri iomadach charactar annasach agus a’ seachnadh a' phoileis bhrùideil, Walter Shrapnel. “Set in Edinburgh, in areas not unlike those featured in Irvine Welsh’s Trainspotting...retains our attention right to the end of this astonishing story” Aonghas MacNeacail & Scottish review of books, 2009 Directed by Muireann Kelly, the cast includes many well know faces from Gaelic drama- Iain Macrae, Mairi Morrison, Artair Donald, Iain Beggs, Catriona Lexy Chaimbeul and Calum MacDonald In gaelic with english subtitles Suitable for 14+. The play last 1 hour 45 mins, including an interval. There will be a short Q&A after the show. The play will be available to buy at the venue in both English and Gàidhlig - published by Leabhraichean Beaga.Date: 24/03/16
Start Time: 7.30 pm
Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, TDC main hall
Audience Numbers: 84
Type: Theatre Adult