'Cèilear' concert cèilidh dance.

Come along and join in a Cèilidh dance with ‘The Cèilidh Trailers’, young talented traditional musicians from the area who have been brought together to play concerts, cèilidhs and dances, through Fèis an Earraich. Their quality will astonish you.Many already are out earning their lviing from their music and expect some cèilidh dances thrown in for good measure! Thig is gabh pàirt ann an Cèilidh nan Cùrsaichean Goirid, le ‘Cèilear` a’ cluich tron oidhche. Tha fàilte chridheil ron a h-uile duine.
Date: 18/07/16
Start Time: 7.30 pm
Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, An Talla Mhòr
Audience Numbers: 84
Type: Ceilidh