Blas Festival: Duncan Chisholm, Mischa MacPherson

Blas Festival: Duncan Chisholm, Mischa MacPherson

One of Scotland’s all-time great fiddle players, Duncan Chisholm, comes to Sabhal Mòr Ostaig as part of this year’s Blas Festival. He will be accompanied by two of the country’s most celebrated pipers, Jarlath Henderson and Ali Hutton. Support on the night is from Hebridean musician Mischa MacPherson who will be joined by two of Scotland’s most accomplished and empathetic musicians – guitarist Innes White and fiddle player Megan Henderson of Breabach. Duncan Chisholm B’ fhada on bha Donnchadh Siosalach air a mheas mar fhear de phrìomh fhìdhlearan na h-Alba is bidh e gu tric a’ cluich air feadh na Roinn Eòrpa agus nan Stàitean Aonaichte. B’ e Donnchadh fear de na cluicheadairean a b’ fheàrr a chòrd ri daoine aig Celtic Connections na bliadhna-sa agus tha e gu h-àraid aithnichte aig Blas ri linn an taisbeanaidh ‘Kin’, a choisinn cliù do Dhonnchadh. Tha e a’ tilleadh gu Blas 2017 a chluich ann an trì àitean sònraichte. Tha cruth-tìre na Gàidhealtachd agus an saoghal mu thimcheall air buaidh mhòr a thoirt air Donnchadh agus air a cheòl, agus ’s e dealbh ceòlmhor den Ghàidhealtachd a bheir e seachad aig Blas, le ceòl on t-sreath ainmeil ‘Strathglass Trilogy’ na lùib. Tha ceòl Dhonnchaidh toinnte, àlainn agus tlachdmhor. Tha àite, cruth-tìre agus eachdraidh ri chluinntinn is ri fhaireachdainn na cheòl. Bidh Jarlath MacEanraig agus Ali Hutton a’ cluich còmhla ri Donnchadh. Long revered as one of Scotland’s all-time great fiddle players, Duncan Chisholm has toured extensively throughout Europe and the USA. Hailed as “one of the hottest tickets” of this year’s Celtic Connections Festival and perhaps best known at the Blas Festival for his ground-breaking and award winning multi-media production Kin, Duncan Chisholm will return to perform at three fantastic Highland venues during Blas 2017. Inspired deeply by the Highland landscape and natural world around him, Duncan will perform his musical representation of the Highlands of Scotland, including some highlights from his acclaimed Strathglass Trilogy. Duncan’s music is sophisticated, exhilarating and meltingly beautiful. There is a great sense of place, landscape and history weaving through his tunes. Duncan will be accompanied by Jarlath Henderson and Ali Hutton. Mischa MacPherson Le bhith air a togail ann an cultar nan Eilean Siar, bha Mischa Nic a’ Phearsain gu math òg nuair a nochd i ùidh ann an ceòl agus sa Ghàidhlig. Tha i air grunn dhuaisean nàiseanta a bhuannachadh: Seinneadair Gàidhlig na Bliadhna aig Na Trads agus Seinneadair Ceòl Dùthchais aig Rèidio 2 – teisteanas air cho làn de dh’fhaireachdainn agus beatha ’s a tha a cuid seinn. Tha i air seinn aig iomadh tachartas, aig an taigh agus thall thairis, le còmhlan fhèin agus le iomadh pròiseact eile, a leithid Martyn Bennett’s GRIT Orchestra (2016) agus The Unusual Suspects of Celtic Colours (2017). Bheir dithis shàr-chluicheadairean na h-Alba, Innes MacIlleBhàin (giotàr) agus Megan NicEanraig (fidheall), taic do Mischa ann an Slèite. Ann an Loch an Inbhir agus Geàrrloch, cluichidh Alasdair Iain MacPhàdraig am piàna agus harmonium còmhla riutha. Having grown up immersed in the distinctive culture of the Outer Hebrides, Mischa Macpherson unearthed her love for music and Gaelic at a very early age. She has gone on to scoop several major UK folk awards in recent years – a fitting testament to her music’s pure-distilled expressiveness and radiant vitality. Named Gaelic Singer of the Year at the MG Alba Scots Trad Music awards and BBC Radio 2’s Young Folk Award Winner she now performs extensively, both at home and abroad, with her own band and a long list of other projects including Martyn Bennett’s GRIT Orchestra (2016) and The Unusual Suspects of Celtic Colours (2017). Mischa will be joined in Sleat by two of Scotland’s most accomplished and empathetic musicians – guitarist Innes White and fiddle player Megan Henderson (Breabach). And in Lochinver & Gairloch Alistair Iain Paterson will also add piano and harmonium to the mix. “Evocative and stirring, it is true Gaelic soul music.”

Date: 08/09/17
Start Time: 7.30 pm
Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, TDC main hall
Audience Numbers: 148
Type: Music Traditional

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