Blas Festival - Trail west Play Gaelic
With strong links to the Hebridean Isles of Tiree and South Uist, the music and culture that they were raised in remains a pure and refreshing trademark in the sound of Trail West. To date the band has released two albums, both of which demonstrate the incredible musicianship of frontline pair Seonaidh MacIntyre and Ian Smith through high-energy tunes and arrangements, accompanied by the multi-instrumental talents of Andrew Findlater and Alain Campbell. Their second album, 'Rescattermastered', highlighted a key development in the band's outlook, with a wide selection of songs now an integral part of the band's repertoire. Trail West are now performing at festivals throughout Scotland as a six-piece outfit, adding Jonathan Gillespie on keyboard and vocals as well as Allan J. Nairn on electric guitar, further boosting the energy levels of a band leading the thriving scene of ‘Glasgow Gaels’ and ensuring that traditional music in Scotland has a very strong future. Tonight Trail West will present the songs from Runrig's seminal album Play Gaelic, one of the most influential and important recordings of Gaelic songs and music to date. GAELIC Tha ceangalan làidir aig Trail West ri eileanan Tiriodh agus Uibhist a Deas, agus tha blas chiùil agus chultair an dà eilean anns a’ cheòl ac’. Tha an còmhlan air dà chlàr fhoillseachadh, ’s tha na dhà a’ sealltainn an tàlant iongantach aig Seonaidh Mac an t-Saoir agus Iain Mac a’ Ghobhainn, còmhla ri Anndra Findlater is Alain Caimbeul, a tha a’ cluich iomadh ionnsramaid eatorra. Bha feallsanachd ùr an làthair anns an dàrna clàr, ‘Rescatteredmastered’, le taghadh mòr de òrain a-nis ann an stòras a’ chòmhlain. Tha Trail West an-diugh a’ cluich aig fèilltean air feadh na h-Alba le Ionatan Gilleasbuig (clàr-mheur agus a’ seinn) is Ailean J Nairn (giotàr) a’ cuir ri sùnnd a’ chòmhlain, ’s iad còmhla a’ strì gus ceòl traidiseanta na h-Alba a dhaingneachadh airson an t-àm ri teachd. A-nochd, cluinnear Trail West a' seinn na h-òrain agus a' cluiche na finn bho a' chiad chlàr a chaidh a dhèanamh le Runrig, a tha a-measg na clàraidhean is ainmeil agus cudromach ann an saoghal na GàidhligDate: 08/09/18
Start Time: 20:00:00
Venue: The Stables, Armadale Castle
Audience Numbers: 134
Type: Music Traditional