Charlie Chaplin's 'The Kid'
‘The Kid’ (68 mins) is a 1921 American silent comedy-drama film written by, produced by, directed by and starring Charlie Chaplin. It follows the story of a tramp (Chaplin), who attempts to raise an orphaned boy (Jackie Coogan) on his own. It was a huge success when released, being the second-highest grossing film in 1921, behind 'The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse'. The screening will include another Short and will be accompanied live by composer and pianist Steven Gellatly. Steven has performed across Europe, from Sweden to London. He appears regularly in Scotland and this is his second appearance at the Skye Festival. He has composed scores for films such as ‘Foolish Wives’, ‘The Lodger’, ‘Son of the Sheik’, ‘Sunrise’ and various short films.Date: 28/07/18
Start Time: 20:00:00
Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig,TDC main hall
Audience Numbers: 42
Type: Film and Music