'In Flagrant Delicht' - Lochhead and Marra
IN FLAGRANT DELICHT East meets West, boy meets girl, brand new stuff meets old favourites when Dundee's finest, Michael Marra, and Glasgow's own Liz Lochhead put his songs and her poems together and talking to each other in a programme of all they're passionate about -- places, people, paint and painters, love, language... and football. Marra ( 'our Caledonian Hoagy Carmichael' -- others say think Randy Newman or Tom Waits ) is simply superb, a great gravelly singer-songwriter at the peak of his game. Lochhead ( 'a tartan Victoria Wood' ) gives both hilarious character monologues and poems of poignancy and singing simplicity. And they love doing it together.Date: 10/06/04
Start Time: 20:00:00
Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, An Talla Mhòr
Audience Numbers: 55
Type: Music Traditional