'Fosgailte - Exposed 2007' Meet the artists
Exposed/Fosgailte 2007 is a new visual arts project presenting sculpture in the open. As part of Fèis an Eilein the exhibition will take place in the gardens at Armadale Castle during July and August. It features the work of 10 artists from south Skye. Visit the pieces as part of your ticket to the Armadale Gardens and meet some of the artists on Saturday 15 and Sunday 21 July. Snaigheadarachd air na raointean. Taisbeanadh poblach dhen obair innleachdail aig luchd-ealain ionadail, ann an Gàrraidhean Chaisteil Armadail, os cionn a Chuain Sgìth san Eilean Sgitheanach. Pàirt bhunaiteach de 16mh Fhèis an Eilein. Chithear an obair ealanta seo eadar 13 agus 16 Iuchar mar phàirt de Bhliadhna Cultarach na Gàidhealtachd.Date: 15/07/07
Start Time: 14:00:00
Venue: Armadale Castle Gardens
Audience Numbers: 0
Type: Exhibition