Theatre Gu Leòr - 'Ceilidh'
Fiadhaich, brais agus air a tiodhlaigeadh air a beul-fodha sna Hearadh, tha a' bhana-bhàrd Màiri Ruadh air èirigh às an uaigh le dìreach aon oidhche gus ciall shònraichte na cèilidh ath-bheòthachadh. Dealasach agus làn spionnaidh, tha i deimhinne nach bi a guth air a chasg a-rithist. Tha an dealbh-chluich ùr seo làn ceòl beò, òrain agus sgeulachdan le fo-thiotalan. Bidh e freagarrach do dhuine sam bith, Gàidhlig ann no às, fhad 's gu bheil iad deiseil airson cèilidh gun choimeas! Wild, outspoken and buried face down on the Isle of Harris, poet Màiri Ruadh is back from beyond the grave, with one last night to resurrect the true meaning of the cèilidh. She has fire in her belly and is determined never to be silenced again. Cèilidh is a new play full of live music, songs and stories. It is subtitled and suitable for anyone with or without Gaelic, but only those ready for a cèilidh like no other!Date: 23/03/18
Start Time: 7.30pm
Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, TDC main hall
Audience Numbers: 71
Type: Theatre Adult