'A Funny Valentine' - Mike Maran, Colin Steele

It's 1961 and Chet Baker is in jail in Lucca. The life and music of the iconic American jazz trumpeter, Chet Baker, is told by Mike Maran, with Colin Steele on trumpet and Dave Milligan on piano. In Italy Chet had been voted the best rumpet player in the world - now he's doing time in an Itlaian jail for drug offences. Italians strolling around the town walls stop and listen to the sound of Chet's golden trumpet wafting through the prison bars. Chet shared his prison cell with a story-teller. Only he knows the whole story - and now he's telling it. "Beautifully conceived and executed: Colin Steele's music has instant appeal; Mike Maran is a mesmeric story-teller; Dave Milligan is a pianist of astonishing verve and subtlety"
Date: 24/09/09
Start Time: 20:00:00
Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, TDC main hall
Audience Numbers: 33
Type: Music Jazz