'Magic Spaghetti' - Lickity Spit Theatre

Strega Nona is renowned for her handy magic remedies, and the townspeople of Plain are eager for her love potions and remedies but they definitely don't approve of her 'fancy' cooking. One by one they come to Strega Nona for a bit of magic, and it's only polite to accept a taste of whatever she is making or baking that day. They are amazed to find themselves seduced by her sauces and salads and delicious dishes, but they keep this to themselves and continue to scorn all things 'fancy'. Big Tony refuses all her tasty offers and is adamant he will only ever eat plain spaghetti. He spies Strega Nona activating her magic pasta pot (to produce endless spaghetti) and determines to find a chance to master it himself. His moment comes and Tony is a hero, until he discovers he can't stop the pot, and the town is swamped by spaghetti! Strega Nona comes to his rescue in the nick of time, but Big Tony has to right his wrong by eating his way out of trouble. He vows he will never eat spaghetti again, but what will he eat instead? Mmmmm! Strega Nona is cooking.............!
Date: 24/09/10
Start Time: 13:45:00
Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, TDC main hall
Audience Numbers: 85
Type: Theatre Family