'The Boy Who Bit Picasso' - Untied Artists

When Picasso comes to stay, anything can happen. . . The story, based on a real-life incident involving the son of the photographer Lee Miller, is a sweet little tale about a sulky schoolboy who bonds with a Clouseau-ish, beret-wearing, bull-obsessed painter, spouting French and Spanish but very little English. What makes the show, however, are the regular pauses in which to let the kids get on with mask-making, collages, and drawing – all of which pertain brilliantly to the story, and subliminally allow them to absorb some of Picasso’s artistic ideas. At one point, the children are encouraged to inolve the parents and adults. "The childllike joy of Picasso's painting is brilliantly conveyed, and kids, like mine, will come out learning that art is fun." SEALL has already seen the play and particularly encouraged the company to come north. Like all good children's theatre is is totally brilliant for adults (in fact they MUST be there, see above!) as well, and, in this case, great anyone with who paints or has children who love painting and colours. The play lasts 70 minutes. "Channels the spirit of the artists . . . a sweet little tale." The Guardian. https://youtu.be/RldDU6kTPIE
Date: 10/10/16
Start Time: 14:00:00
Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, TDC main hall
Audience Numbers: 25
Type: Theatre Family