'Katie Morag' Mull Theatre

The 'Katie Morag' stories by Mairi Hedderwick have delighted adults and children for 21 years. Travel on the ferry to Struay to meet one of the best-loved characters in children’s books - Katie Morag McColl. She may live on a tiny weather-beaten island, but there’s plenty of mischief to get up to, and Katie Morag is always up to something! Meet Eriska the horse and the Struay cats, join in with the treasure trail, stumble across ancient ghosts in spooky places, find out why the American city kids don’t like island life, and help Katie Morag find the answers to the riddles. Katie Morag comes to life in a musical show full of fun for all the family. This first ever stage adaptation of the Katie Morag is presented by Mull Theatre and is designed for adults who heard the stories when young, and are now reading tehm to their children, as well as for children themselves.
Date: 29/09/05
Start Time: 19:00:00
Venue: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, TDC main hall
Audience Numbers: 140
Type: Theatre Family