'The White Cat' - Jabberwocky Theatre

Jabberwocky Children's Theatre Company. An old king . . . three sons . . . three tasks . . . a dark wood...a magic castle . . . a beautiful cat. The older sons are greedy and vain. The youngest honest and true. When he meets the greatest challenge of all, must he destroy what he treasures most? A puppet show adapted from the story by E.Nesbit with original music by David Troughton. Suitable for children 7 years and over. Younger children must be accompanied. "This perfect show is puppet theatre at its absolute best - pure joy" The Scotsman The show lasts one hour and is followed after a short break by a Puppet Workshop
Date: 27/07/06
Start Time: 14:00:00
Venue: Raasay House
Audience Numbers: 15
Type: Theatre Family